After how much time do dry eye symptoms resolve post-PRK or LASIK?
Dry eye symptoms are by far the most common side-effect of both PRK and LASIK surgery. This is due to the actual (temporary) decrease in tear production by the lacrimal glands. The reason for this is that the laser surgery re-shaping the cornea of the eye unavoidably damages some of the sensory nerves within the cornea.
All tearing is a reflex response to the stimulus or irritation of the corneal surface. So if there is a muted message being sent from the cornea to the lacrimal glands due to this damage, there will be fewer tears released than normal although the glands are fully capable of functioning normally. As the corneal sensory nerves slowly grow back, tearing begins to resume normal pre-laser surgery levels. While this may often take as long as 2-3 years, most people are beginning to tear normally within the first 3-6 months or so post-op.
_Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chief of Surgery, Woodhams Eye Clinic