Atlanta Eye Care: What Is a Stye, and What Should I Do If I Get One?

One of the most unpleasant experiences is to wake up with a swollen red bump on your eyelid. Styes appear quickly, surprising otherwise healthy people every day. Even though styes are common and not contagious, they can be uncomfortable. Woodhams Eye Clinic‘s Atlanta eye care doctors have advice for keeping your eyes healthy, including treating styes.

What Is a Stye?

Oil glands along the edge of your eyelid can become clogged or inflamed, producing a painful red bump called a stye. The culprit is bacteria, usually staphylococcus, according to MedlinePlus.

According to Eye Smart, people who have had a stye before are more likely to develop them again. Genetically, some people need to wash around their eyelids more often, since they’re predisposed to a higher oil output. Other factors can also increase the likelihood of getting styes, including failure to remove makeup completely.

Bacteria can be transferred to your eyelid while inserting and removing contact lenses, applying makeup, or rubbing your eyes.

Dealing with Discomfort

Once you’ve identified a stye, at-home treatment can ease the tenderness. A warm, wet washcloth applied to the eye for a few minutes three to five times daily can ease pressure and even speed drainage, Eye Smart notes. If the gland opens, you can massage the area gently to help with drainage. Be sure to wash the cloth separately after use. Also, give your eyes a break. Take naps, rest, and avoid strenuous chores and sports until the bump diminishes.


If a style doesn’t improve after two days or you have recurring styes, the Mayo Clinic recommends that it’s time to make an appointment. Bring a list of things to tell and ask your doctor, so that diagnosis by your Atlanta eye care team can be quick and painless. Upon clinical inspection, a doctor can confidently identify a stye, determining treatment options immediately. Your doctor may recommend antibiotic drops, and in some cases, surgical drainage, according to Eye Smart.

The best treatment, however, is always prevention. Keep your hands and face clean, and avoid touching your eyes. Never share hygienic instruments like makeup applicators.

Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

The Atlanta eye care doctors at Woodhams believe that your eye health is of utmost importance. If you have a stye that has not healed on its own, schedule an appointment today.

For questions or comments, contact Woodhams Eye Clinic.

Image source: Flickr