BIG News: FDA has approved the Visan Toric ICL
Great news for patients that have astigmatism and high levels of myopia: The FDA has approved a lens for you!
Woodhams Eye Clinic has excellent news for patients who have astigmatism and extreme nearsightedness (high levels of myopia) who may not have previously been considered candidates for surgical procedures such as LASIK, PRK or standard ICL. The FDA has granted approval of the PMA Supplement for the Visian Toric Implantable Collamer® Lens (ICL), which corrects myopia with astigmatism. This approval represents a meaningful expansion of the ICL product line for the correction of refractive error in patients with both myopia and astigmatism which are common conditions in the United States. Astigmatism affecting approximately 30 percent of the population.
The ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) is a reversible procedure which corrects myopia (nearsightedness) even in cases where LASIK would not work. The treatment range is from -3 to -14 Diopters. With the approval of the toric version, many more nearsighted patients will be able to have the procedure done than ever before.
"We've been waiting on this news for 5 years, and we are very excited to be able to offer this to our patients. This will help us transform the vision of extremely nearsighted patients who may have been told they are not a candidate for LASIK or standard ICL. We couldn't be more pleased for our surgeons and patients", says Trevor Woodhams, M.D., Chief of Surgery at Woodhams Eye Clinic in Atlanta.
Woodhams Eye Clinic was the first vision correction practice in Atlanta and has been performing laser vision correction surgery since it was first approved by the FDA. Our surgeons use highly effective surgical procedures with leading edge technology to correct common vision problems including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Woodhams is the leading vision correction center in the southeastern U.S., having served patients from Atlanta and beyond since 1983.
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For more information or to find out if you're a candidate, call us at 770-394-4000.