How effective is Laser Vision Correction?
Ask your doctor. They've likely had it done on themselves.
If you've ever wondered if LASIK or other refractive surgery is safe and effective, improves your quality of life, and is as beneficial as you may have heard, you may want to ask your doctor. A majority of ocular surgeons who are candidates for surgery have had it done themselves (including the surgeons at Woodhams Eye Clinic). They are very satisfied with the results and over 90% of surgeons recommend laser vision correction to their immediate families. Suffice to say that ocular surgeons know more than anyone about refractive surgery. Talk about practicing what you preach.
In a recent global study by the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, ophthalmologists who perform LVC (laser vision correction) are significantly more likely than the general population to have LVC performed on themselves.
"Responses were received from 248 (99.2%) of 250 queried individuals, of which 232 (92.8%) met the protocol criteria of currently working as refractive surgeons. Of the 232 subjects, 161 (69.4%) reported that they had refractive errors potentially amenable to treatment with LVC, not including presbyopia. Of the 161 ophthalmologists with treatable refractive errors, 54 (33.5%) reported they were not candidates for LVC for a variety of reasons and 107 (66.5%) reported they were candidates for LVC. Of the LVC candidates, 62.6% reported that they had an LVC procedure in their own eyes. Of the overall 232 subjects, more than 90% recommend LVC for adult members of their immediate family."
Refractive surgery offers benefits that go beyond vision and lifestyle. It improves occupational fitness, saves money, improves safety and significantly contributes to the quality of life - every waking minute!