PreLex FAQ

Curious about PreLex? You're in the right place

Will the PreLex surgery reduce or eliminate glare during the day time and especially at night from car headlights?

It depends on what the cause is. If you are experiencing night glare because of cataract (clouded natural lens), your night vision will probably be much better after surgery. Day vision problems with PreLex lens implants are extremely rare. But the multifocal lens implants can create concentric circles of light around any point source of light in some patients. In some patients this can be bad enough to make night driving difficult. We cannot always predict in advance which patients will suffer this although fortunately it is not at all common.

Once l have the PreLex surgery, will it last for the rest of my life?

Pretty much, yes. Nothing biological is permanent in the same way a diamond is, but in general (assuming you do not develop some other eye problem such as macular degeneration) the vision is quite stable for the rest of your life.

You said that the PreLex glasses would allow me to see far and near distances. Can you give me about measurement of how far and near those distances are?

I think you mean PreLex lens implants (intraocular lens or IOLs).Distance visual acuity is measured at 20' and beyond, Near vision at about 16" and intermediate at about 30".

Are Prelex the only multifocus lenses you offer?

No, there is an accommodating lens implant (without rings) but it does not generally provide the same degree of magnification at near as do the various multifocal ones.

Learn more about PreLex here