Daily deal websites are a great way to try new things. But do you really want to buy a LASIK coupon at the same place you get discount pizza coupons? Unsavory marketing techniques give the illusion that people can diagnose their own need for surgery, that all vision patients are candidates for LASIK, and that all LASIK procedures and surgeons are alike. These claims are simply not true; getting LASIK is a huge personal decision that should be made with the help of an expert doctor.
LASIK Is One Option, Not the Only Option
LASIK is an incredible medical technology, but it is not for everyone. Being a good candidate for LASIK depends on your age, vision stability, lifestyle, and eye structure. The cause of your vision loss is considered along with your health and personal factors. While LASIK is often prescribed as a solution, other procedures may be more appropriate for some patients.
For example, Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL)-also known as implantable contact lenses or Phakic IOL-are artificial lenses that are inserted between the iris and the eye's crystalline lens. They function like permanent contact lenses. For many patients with thin corneas or extreme nearsightedness, ICL is a better choice than LASIK. ICL is just one of the options available at a top eye clinic.
Not All LASIK Is the Same
The availability of a LASIK coupon suggests that LASIK is LASIK, no matter where it is performed. In fact, LASIK is a broad term that can be used to refer new techniques as well as outdated methods and procedures. Often, when patients discover that the technology included with the coupon is outdated, they are informed that, for several hundred dollars more, they can have the newer procedure. This means that, often, patients end up paying more than what most other leading clinics routinely charge.
At the beginning of a LASIK procedure, a flap is created on the cornea, traditionally with a small blade. With Contoura®, the process is enhanced through advanced wavefront technology, mapping each microscopic irregularity of your cornea for a highly personalized treatment. This precision allows for a more accurate and customized approach compared to older procedures. Contoura® is not available from all providers.
Picking a Quality Surgeon
Just as one LASIK procedure may differ greatly from another, not all LASIK surgeons are equal. A skilled surgeon will have performed thousands of LASIK procedures. The best surgeons are board-certified and may teach at a medical school. Most importantly, a surgeon ought to be deeply knowledgeable about not only LASIK but also other available treatments. If LASIK is the only procedure a surgeon performs, there is a chance that LASIK will be recommended, even if there is a different procedure that would be better for the patient.
If you are considering LASIK, gather all the information you can. Schedule an appointment with a reputable eye clinic to discuss your eye health and the options available. From that meeting, you can get a sense of the surgeon. Is the clinic using the best technology and equipment available, and are you comfortable with the surgeon? Ultimately, determining which procedure is appropriate for you is a big decision that you should make with the help of a surgeon you trust.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons