Will my vision improve after PRK without using eye drops?
Eye drops are an integral part of your post-PRK care. You should have an antibiotic and steroid drop (by prescription) as well as over-the-counter lubricating drops.
Failure to use the medical drops can greatly increase the chance of post-op complications including infection, ulcers, and haze formation. In a worst-case situation, you could suffer permanent damage to your sight.
Your vision post-PRK
will typically be a little blurry from time to time because of rapid drying of
the tear film which you will not "feel" as dryness. This is prevented by using
regular over-the-counter lubricating drops for at least 3 months while the
corneal nerves heal and re-grow.
Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chief of Surgery, Woodhams Eye Clinic