
Apart from improved ability focus ability and vision clarity, does LASIK surgery produce any perceptible changes or artifacts to vision?

You are right that visual acuity is not the sum total of measuring visual function in the eye. Eye charts are typically totally black letters against a bright white background -100% contrast. But the real world is mostly moderate to low contrast -browns against Grays;...

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In a room with a low light level, why can’t you see what you’re looking at directly, but if you look away you can see it in your peripheral vision?

Because there are two different types of vision at work. Straight-ahead vision puts an image on the macula, at the geographic center of the retina. [The retina is the "film" in the camera analogy of the eye.]The macula is packed very tightly with "cone" photoreceptor...

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What can I expect from cataract surgery, good, bad or ugly?

With rare exceptions, you can reasonably expect it to be a quick, painless procedure that after a few days will result in noticeably better vision. All surgical procedures, no matter how routine, carry some risk and cataract surgery is no different. Scary as it may be...

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Why do things look distorted with glasses that are -15.50 and -13.50? I wear contacts and got glasses in case of emergency but the doors look bowed and the ground seems like it is slanted. It’s hard to even walk in them.

It would be normal to expect that your vision with contact lenses or with glasses would be the same. But this is not the case! The distance between a corrective lens and the eye is a significant factor in a glasses Rx. This is rarely noticeable in low power prescriptions....

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Why do nearsighted (or short-sighted) people sometimes gain better far/distance vision when their eyes are developing cataracts?

A cataract is the natural lens that has undergone age-related degenerative changes. So as a lens, it has a prescription, much like your glasses have a prescription. As the natural lens goes through the age-related degeneration that results in it becoming a cataract, the...

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Does Lasik weaken the cornea?

All laser vision correction procedures that work on the cornea will "weaken" it to at least some degree. The "trick" is to minimize any structural weakening of the cornea to an acceptable range while still achieving full correction of the myopia ( nearsightedness). There...

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Can your eyesight get bad again after laser eye surgery like SMILE?

Not sure if your question is asking about SMILE in particular or just about laser vision correction in general. Fortunately, the answer is basically the same for LASIK, PRK, and SMILE. These procedures do not actually "make bad vision good" although that is indirectly...

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Is ICL (implantable collamer lens) surgery safe/recommended for someone in their early 20s?

I believe so. Assuming you have a normal eye exam and meet the FDA indications, the ICL is a safe and valuable alternative to LASIK in treating myopia and astigmatism. An experienced surgeon who has already climbed the learning curve is a good idea as well. Since the...

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