
Does insurance cover Lasik for astigmatism?

LASIK is never a procedure that is covered by insurance. The only possible exception is for astigmatism induced by previous eye surgery. And even that is quite rare. _Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chief of Surgery, Woodhams Eye Clinic

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How much will an insurance company pay for cataract surgery? Is it a fixed amount?

Cataract surgery is usually a "covered service" by Medicare and most major medical insurance plans in the U.S. That does not mean, though, that the patient will not have to pay anything out-of-pocket. A single insurance policy will rarely cover...

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Why is there a need to insert a lens after a cataract surgery?

Because a "cataract" is the "age-related (usually), progressively dysfunctional natural lens of the eye." The word "cataract" is really just an old-fashioned word for this failing natural lens. When the dysfunctional lens is removed you must...

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When needing an optometrist should you look for one who can give you a surgical consultation or will any optometrist know how to counsel your needing lasik or cataracts?

Doctors of Optometry (OD) are non-surgical eye doctors. Their primary concern is Vision assessment. They also screen for and treat certain medical conditions of the eye. Ophthalmologists are MDs, trained in vision care, and ocular medical and...

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Would you suggest Contoura Vision or ReLEx SMILE when having dry eyes?

I would suggest not having any kind of corneal vision surgery (LASIK, PRK, Contoura, SMILE) with dry eyes. Dry eye conditions vary in severity but all will become worse with any corneal surgery. This is because of the unavoidable damage to the sensory corneal nerves that...

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Should you have LASIK eye surgery after 40?

Given a healthy eye and appropriate Rx to be treated, LASIK can be done safely and effectively at almost any adult age. The real issue here is whether LASIK can be counted on to correct all the human eye's focusing problems as is usually the case in people under 40....

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It seems like more risks are coming to light for LASIK surgery. Is this overblown or has new information actually come to light?

No. There is very little (if any) new findings in the way of risks/downsides to LASIK that has not been known for at least 10-15 years. LASIK remains one of the safest and most successful surgical procedures ever. This is still true when performed on an...

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Is topoguided LASIK safer than traditional Lasik?

All LASIK, regardless of the brand of laser used, is equally safe in terms of risks. The different sub-types of LASIK (such as topo-guided, wavefront-driven, etc.) will vary slightly only in terms of optical efficiency -how perfectly the treated cornea can focus an image....

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