
How often does LASIK blind people?

I do not believe there are any cases at all where LASIK has blinded anyone. If there were to be one, it would undoubtedly be part of a much more complex situation than straightforwardly treating myopia. This is not to say there are no people who have ever had serious...

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Are Contact lenses safer and more effective than LASIK?

A large study of results of people who had LASIK after 3 years compared to others who had been wearing contact lenses for those three years found that LASIK led to 1) more satisfactory vision, 2) including 3) better nighttime vision with less glare, than contacts, as well...

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I was told my vision is 20/50 although I have no type of vision impairment nor do I need correction. I was told that’s good vision. Especially for aviation. Is that true?

Are you sure your eye doctor didn't say you had 20/15 visual acuity? That would sound a lot like 20/fifty but would be much more likely. Many people think 20/20 means "perfect" vision but this is not the case at all. "20/20 means "normal" visual acuity at distance. When...

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Does insurance cover LASIK surgery?

No. LASIK, like all refractive surgery, is considered for medical and optical purposes to be an elective procedure. Like most plastic surgery, it is not covered by insurance. Occasionally there may some sort of discount available for LASIK by certain insurance plans,...

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Why is it better to wear contacts rather than glasses when you have myopia?

It may not provide "better" visual acuity to wear contacts (or have LASIK) but the latter can often provide a more "natural" kind of vision. The higher your glasses Rx if you are nearsighted, the more distortion you will experience in what you see, even if you can read...

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Which is better to have, nearsightedness or farsightedness?

It depends on your age and the sorts of preferred activities you do most of the time. Most professional athletes are mild to moderately hyperopic (the non-age-related farsightedness). They typically see better than 20/20 at a distance -which comes in very useful for...

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Is Lasik surgery permanent?

What a great question! The short answer is "Yes." But that would be a very misleading response if you realize you cannot take it at face value: The flattening effect on the cornea of the eye with LASIK is definitely permanent. Your cornea will not grow back to its...

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What eye drops help to eliminate cataracts?

There are no medical (or other) drops that can eliminate cataracts, despite what you may hear. _Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chief of Surgery, Woodhams Eye Clinic

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