
Am I legally blind? My right eye is -12.50 and my left is -9.25. And when I asked a LASIK counselor they said that my right eye will never be 20/20.

Well, there are actually several different issues at work here, so a "Yes or No" answer is not possible. First: What does it mean to be "legally blind?" In most states, if you have distance visual acuity less than 20/200 that is not correctable with glasses/contact...

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At what age do people become the most susceptible to cataracts?

What we call a "cataract" is the late-stage, age-related, discolored, natural lens of the eye. Since the word "cataract" is a noun, we are led to think of it as a thing, when it might be more understandable if it were thought of as a "process:" the slow, age-related...

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Why do they replace your eye lens during cataract surgery instead of just cleaning the lenses?

Your question illustrates the unintended consequences of using what is arguably an outdated term: "cataract." Being 1) a noun and 2) requiring surgical removal to fix, a "cataract" seems similar in nature to a "tumor" or a "gall bladder." But "cataract" is the word we...

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Is there a way to get my eyesight better without glasses because I had an IOL lens implant) after cataract surgery about 15 years ago?

Yes, it is indeed possible to have LASIK or PRK in many cases of what eye doctors call "residual ametropia" following cataract/IOL surgery. Its safety and efficacy would depend, of course, on several things that would need careful evaluation first: 1) the degree and...

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How often should I have LASIK redone if my vision changes?

LASIK, in my professional opinion, is not something that should be repeated serially throughout life. Each additional laser treatment of the cornea further thins (and weakens) it. It also compounds the subtle irregularities of the surface that often cause undesirable...

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What should I do, Contoura Vision or Relex Smile, when having dry eyes?

If you really have dry eyes, it is probably not a good idea to have either one done -or PRK or any other kind of LASIK either. Dry Eye is by far the most common undesirable side-effect with any laser vision correction. It is rarely more than a temporary issue in most...

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Do cataracts cause double vision?

Most "double vision" (diplopia) is caused by an imbalance between the muscles moving each eye somewhat differently. It disappears on covering one or the other eye. In certain situations, though, you can have what is called "monocular diplopia" or...

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Do the eye floaters disappear with time or they are permanent?

Vitreous "floaters" are the annoying, slightly out-of-focus remnants of the once transparent gel that filled the eye as a child. Since the vitreous has no purpose in the adult eye, it degenerates over time, leaving the floaters suspended loosely in the...

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