
Can I cure my 14D myopic eye with any surgery? If yes, what is the cost?

That prescription for nearsightedness would be considered to be in the "extreme" range, definitely NOT in the range for LASIK. The Intraocular Collamer Lens implant (ICL) would be a much better option. The cost for this is higher than for LASIK by...

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What are the alternative eye surgery if a person is not eligible for ICL and LASIK and has high eye power?

By "high eye power" I assume you mean a very thick glasses prescription say over about -10 Diopters. But it could equally apply to a very high hyperopic (farsighted) Rx such as +5 diopters or more. About the only technology to correct this reasonably is some sort of...

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How does one adjust to walking down large flights of stairs, when wearing progressive lenses?

It takes some time to learn how to do this, doesn't it? The primary problem is that the view downwards towards steps is occupied by the "add," or portion of the spectacle lens set to see up close. With practice, the brain can learn the necessary adjustments...

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How do I decide what type of lens should be implemented for cataract surgery?

That honestly is a decision that is best left to your doctor. Of course, this assumes he is familiar with your particular case, glasses Rx, medical history, and visual needs. _Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chief of Surgery,...

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How long does it take to recover from laser eye surgery?

If you are referring to LASIK rather than PRK (both are laser vision corrections), most patients can return to work and typical daily activities the next day. While vision in the first week or so may not be perfect, it is usually the next best thing. There will typically...

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Which is more dangerous eyesight, a minus 5 diopter Rx or a minus 7.5?

It depends on what you mean by "dangerous." Obviously the higher degree of myopic (nearsighted) Rx with a -7.5 D. correction is going to be worse uncorrected at distance than the -5 D. eye. But the difference is negligible from the point of view of how well you could...

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Who is a really good candidate for LASIK, and can it permanently cure severe myopia?

As your questions suggest, LASIK is overwhelmingly a treatment for myopia (nearsightedness) with any associated astigmatism. It is NOT usually a good treatment for farsightedness, particularly the most common, age-related type: Presbyopia. The BEST candidates for LASIK...

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With my glasses on, I can’t see things up close & with my glasses off, I can’t see things from afar. I’m almost 50 years old, is LASIK eye surgery good for me or will I have to wear reading glasses still?

A dilemma, isn't it? The one good thing about being nearsighted is that you can still see up close (at least without your glasses on) when you become Presbyopic in middle age. The reason for this is that with a myopic (nearsighted) eye being larger than normal, your...

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