
Can you get Lasik after 40?

Yes, you can. But remember LASIK is only able to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. While there is one type of farsightedness LASIK can address (hyperopia) this is not the farsightedness everybody gets as they enter into their 40s (presbyopia). Presbyopia...

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What are the symptoms of a secondary cataract (cloudy capsule)?

As a practicing ophthalmologist, the symptom that usually tips me off to look for a cloudy capsule is when patients start to experience a decrease in their reading vision. There is also often a corresponding in the quality of vision at night, especially noticeable when...

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What is the best way to explain the Snellen eye chart results?

When you are told "your vision is 20/20 -or 20/40, or 20/whatever" you are being given a ratio of the chart distance/smallest line able to be read. While the most accurate explanation of this is in terms of arc angle subtended, etc. the easiest way to understand it is to...

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Is the chart you look at while taking an eye exam called a Snellen chart?

The Snellen distance eye chart is the most common kind of visual acuity testing format. It was developed in 1862 by a Dutch ophthalmologist, Herman Snellen so is quite old and arguably out-of-date. Improved versions are now available, such as the EDTRS or LogMar chart....

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Why do we not need eyeglasses after cataract surgery even with no reading glasses?

Cataract surgery is essentially the removal of the old, hardened and discolored natural lens so as to replace it with a new, clear artificial lens implant. Since the ocular surgeon is already there, so to speak, it is possible to use a lens...

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Can an eye go for laser surgery with the power of -10 and -9?

LASIK (and PRK) were originally FDA approved for treating even such high levels of myopia (nearsightedness). But more recent experience and data have shown that the threshold for long-term stability and safety in laser vision correction is probably about -6 to -7...

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What was scarier, wisdom tooth extraction or LASIK surgery?

I imagine that would depend on what you fear more: pain or surgical complications that could affect your vision. Wisdom tooth extraction is definitely more uncomfortable while it is being done. It also causes more post-operative pain and swelling. But a wisdom tooth is a...

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What is a multi-piece IOL lens and what’s the use of it?

Intraocular lens implants (IOLs) are what are used to replace the aging, discolored natural lens. These are typically a smaller diameter and thinner than the natural lens they are to replace, so there is usually a pair of "feet" or haptics on either side that secure the...

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