
Does your night vision change after PRK or LASIK eye surgery?

If you are a truly good candidate and the laser vision correction is done with the most up-to-date technology, you should not have any night vision issues occur. These are things such as halos, rainbows around lights, "smearing" of lights, or double vision. Even with the...

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Why does laser eye surgery make eyes dry?

LASIK and PRK work on the cornea (the transparent dome over the pupil) to thin and reshape it in a way calculated to better focus an image on the retina at the back of the eye. This reshaping process necessarily removes corneal tissue. In so doing, some of the many, fine...

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Why is former FDA advisor Morris Waxler calling for a ban on LASIK eye surgery? Is it really as dangerous as Waxler says? What should people consider before getting LASIK?

Morris Waxler, Ph.D was involved in the early approval of LASIK as a non-clinical advisor on its safety and efficacy-but has not worked there for many years. [He is not an actual medical doctor who treats patients.] As to why he is so vocal about banning LASIK, I can...

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What exactly is wrong with LASIK surgery that the FDA desires that the procedure be banned?

The FDA does not want to ban LASIK. There are some people who desire the FDA ban LASIK. One of them is Morris Waxler, Ph.D ( not an actual medical doctor), who was involved in the early approval of LASIK -but has not worked there for many years. The people who want...

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Is cataract surgery possible with Fuchs dystrophy?

Yes, it is. But it may need to be approached somewhat differently than usual. Fuchs' Dystrophy is an abnormality of the cornea that makes it more vulnerable to degeneration, especially cloudy swelling. Cataract surgery must be meticulously performed with special...

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Will Blue Cross BlueShield cover your LASIK surgery?

No 3rd party commercial (like BC/BS) nor governmental health insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, Tri-Star) pays for LASIK. Some insurance policies have a discount available for policy-holders, but it is typically of only marginal help. _Written by J. Trevor Woodhams,...

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Which eye surgery is better LASIK or SMILE?

A scientific review of the FDA-reported visual and refractive outcomes following the correction of myopia/astigmatism by 3 different surgical procedures was just reported this week in the Journal of Refractive Surgery 2019;35(11):699-706. The 3 techniques were: the...

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How does the vision of people with glasses compare to that of people who don't need glasses?

It depends on how bad your myopia (nearsightedness) and/or astigmatism is. [For simplicity, we can ignore presbyopia for now.] If your prescription is not at all that bad, vision with glasses is just a sharper version of what you see without them, usually with no...

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