
Why does our eyesight deteriorate as we age?

For the same reasons our entire body does: We are just not "designed" to live much past age 40! From an evolutionary/DNA perspective, once we have passed our genes on to the next generation, we are superfluous. Of course, I for one am very glad we do usually live much...

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Will getting Lasik affect night vision?

It is very unlikely that a well-performed LASIK procedure using the best diagnostic and laser equipment would adversely affect your night vision. While it is very common to see halos and rainbows around lights at night in the first 90 days or so, these typically...

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Does LASIK surgery cure age-related eye problems?

Not the age-related vision problems that typically occur after the age of 40 like Presbyopia. LASIK works on the cornea, not the natural lens. It is the latter that provides us our near focusing on demand. As the natural lens hardens with age, we eventually need reading...

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If done correctly, can you use a normal laser to do laser eye surgery or do you need a special laser?

Lasers are not just some kind of evaporating ray gun.There are a multitude of different kinds of lasers suitable for certain, defined tasks. The primary laser used in LASIK and PRK is the excimer (excited dimer) laser. Once referred to as a "cold" laser, it cuts...

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How do I reduce myopia and improve my eyesight naturally?

There definitely is a rising percentage of people who develop myopia (nearsightedness) all across the world. So the question is not unexpected as to why and how this might be changed without having to resort to stronger glasses, contact lenses, or even surgery such as...

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Why is LASIK not for everyone?

Because not all vision problems are able to be solved with LASIK. Vision problems can be either Refractive (optical) or due to anatomic pathology (like cataracts or macular degeneration). [Often there can be both in older people.] LASIK only works on one of the...

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Is Lasik worth it over 40?

It depends on the nature of your vision problem(s) and what you are trying to achieve. If you are myopic (nearsighted) in both eyes (blurry distance vision) but can see OK up close for reading without glasses, having LASIK for optimal distance vision in both eyes...

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Before modern technology, how was the strength of eyeglasses determined?

By trial and error in all probability. In its simplest form, a spectacle lens can be either concave (thinning towards the center) or convex (bulging in the center). The former correct myopia (nearsightedness) and the latter, farsightedness. In the modern optical...

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