
If your cataract does not impair vision, is it best not to remove it?

If a cataract is truly not affecting your vision at all, you don't need to have anything done. Cataracts typically advance, but very slowly. So when it does become an issue for you, you can safely wait until then and still get the same good result. Are...

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What corrective eye procedure would you not treat with a laser, even though it is commonly performed?

It would help to know more precisely what you mean by "corrective eye procedure." I presume you are referring to myopia/astigmatism correcting surgery (like LASIK) and not glaucoma or cataract surgery. If so, there are several procedures that can be done to correct...

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Why do I need a new lens after removing a cataract?

Why do doctors put a lens in the eye after removing a cataract? Is it possible to remove a cataract without surgery? What are the chances of having a cataract again, after surgery? This question shows how we eye doctors could be doing a much better job educating our...

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The cylinder rating on my eye prescription has changed from negatives to positives, and back to negatives again. Why could that be?

There are two conventions used among eye doctors on how to notate a typical glasses prescription: minus cylinder or plus cylinder. They are functionally the same (at least at the level of accuracy required in spectacle lenses). In effect, it depends on whether you...

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What do eye doctors see when they dilate eyes?

There are two reasons eye doctors dilate your eyes. The more obvious one is to be able to see better to the back of the eye. A dilated pupil also allows your eye doctor to see further out to the sides and exam the peripheral retina. This is not easily observable through a...

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What does it mean to have astigmatism in your eye?

Astigmatism is the lack of the eye having a single focal point. In an astigmatic eye, irregularities in the cornea or lens cause there to be a range of focal points, e.g. the eye might be -3.00 Diopters nearsighted vertically, but -4.50 D. horizontally. We would say...

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Can you be too old to have laser vision correction?

It depends on what reason it is being performed and how long you expect the results to last. If it is to correct myopia (nearsightedness), laser vision correction can be done, but the results will not be as permanent nor as good as in a person under the age of 40. This...

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What are floaters?

Floaters are the little specks, flecks of "lint," or semi-transparent veils that float across one's line of vision. They typically "slosh" around when moving your gaze from side to side or up and down, but always return to the same approximate position within your field...

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