
Is myopia genetic? Why have there been such huge increases in myopia in the last hundred years?

Nobody reputable claims that myopia (nearsightedness) is strictly (or even primarily) a genetic problem. While there are undeniably genetic correlations with nearsightedness, there is more and more evidence that the growing prevalence of myopia is related to the...

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Is there any non-surgical treatment to avoid the evolution of eye cataracts?

Not growing older would help -if that could only be achieved! Cataract is not a disease, or tumor, or skim, or foreign material in the eye. "Cataract" is the arguably outdated, historical name for the typical end-stages of the life-long aging of the eye's natural...

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Is it common to have reading glasses before a certain age?

That certain age being in the mid-40s I presume? No, it is not common at all. "Farsightedness" means you can see better far off than up close. But the word does not indicate whether that near vison is actually good or not. The farsighted vision problem that requires...

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Can my vision be fixed without surgery?

I assume you mean without using glasses or contact lenses as well. If so, the answer is: No. Distance vision problems in people under 40 are usually due to myopia (nearsightedness), often along with some degree of astigmatism. This is typically caused by the globe (eyeball)...

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Other than bifocals, how can you correct your vision when you're both nearsighted and far-sighted?

By "farsighted" you probably mean "presbyopic." Nearsightedness (myopia) is where your vision is blurred at distance but typically good at near when not wearing glasses. As the natural lens hardens in middle age, it can no...

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Would you recommend a multifocal IOL for another eye doctor?

If I were a hyperope who had never worn glasses before my 40s and now needed bifocals, I would definitely have a MF IOL. I personally had RK in one eye and -6.5 D. of myopic LASIK in the other, so by the same standards I use on selecting patients,...

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The relationship between your brain and your eyes

How can people understand the amount of processing their brain does on image information sent to it by the eyes (in other words, what they think they are seeing vs what their eyes are actually seeing)? People typically do not have much understanding of what seeing...

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Should I go for LASIK if my number is -6.50 for both eyes and has a corneal thickness of 478 and 485?

Maybe. These pachymetry (corneal thickness) measurements are somewhat outside of normal ranges. That does not necessarily rule out LASIK if other corneal measurements are all normal (e.g. symmetry). Some reputable ophthalmic surgeons would recommend an earlier version...

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