
Why did my vision drastically improve after cataract surgery?

Many people do not realize it, but “cataract” is just out-of-date terminology for the age-related degeneration of the eye’s internal, natural lens. That lens does have a “prescription” much like your glasses or contact lenses. A lens prescription...

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PreLex FAQ

Curious about PreLex? You're in the right place Will the PreLex surgery reduce or eliminate glare during the day time and especially at night from car headlights? It depends on what the cause is. If you are experiencing night glare because of cataract (clouded...

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What can I do about my lazy eye?

Can my lazy eye be corrected?  There are actually two related situations that non-eye doctors refer to as “lazy eye:” strabismus and amblyopia. The former can be “cross-eyed” or more rarely “wall-eyed,” depending on whether the...

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What would happen if one uses a higher power of eye glasses for hyperopia than they need?

Overcorrection in hyperopic patients is not well tolerated generally. These eyes are accustomed to maintaining an elevated degree of ciliary muscle tension just to neutralize the hyperopic blur at distance. They are furthermore conditioned to accommodate (increase the ciliary...

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How can I prevent macular degeneration?

Dr. Woodhams is frequently asked if “there is anything they can do to prevent getting macular degeneration” since it runs in my family? While the answer is not as definitive as anybody would like, at present there is only one thing medically that has been shown in...

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The Dangers of Cataracts for Senior Drivers

The Dangers of Cataracts for Senior Drivers Cataracts are part of the natural aging process of the eye and are the leading cause of visual loss for people 55 or older. Having cataract surgery can not only dramatically improve your vision, but also make it safer to...

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SMILE Procedure vs. LASIK

What is the SMILE procedure and how is it different from LASIK?   The SMILE procedure is purportedly an improvement on LASIK in that it only requires one laser that will cut a “lenticule” –the same amount and size of corneal tissue as would be...

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Why do we have eyesight?

Why indeed? A quite interesting question! Vision, arguably the most important of the 5 basic senses, is the most immediate but also the most sensitive to far-away origination. In the brain, neurons devoted to visual processing number in the hundreds of millions and take up...

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