
Anatomy of the Eye 201: The Unsung Heroes of Eyesight

Previously, we took a tour of the eye to see how it functions. We followed a light wave as it enters the eye and travels through the cornea, lens and vitreous body, onto the retina. There, the rod and cone cells gather data from the light wave and send it to the optic nerve,...

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Tips For Applying Eye Makeup Safely

Mascara and eye shadow are part of many women's daily beauty regimen. But some may be doing harm. Applying eye makeup safely is just as important to good eye health as regular checkups by your eye doctor. What is in the cosmetics you use and how you apply them can affect...

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Developing Healthy Habits for Strong Eyesight: 8 Do’s and Don’ts For Eye Health

These days, everyone wants to improve their health. That's why there are so many claims of miracle cures and "breakthrough" remedies. When it comes to our eyesight, developing healthy habits is the best approach. The true miracle cure is that of prevention, and your...

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What is Amblyopia? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

One of the most common eye problems is amblyopia, or "lazy eye", a condition in which one eye doesn't send signals to the brain as consistently or effectively as the other. Normally, light enters the eyes through the corneas and is bent, focused, and "sent" to the back of...

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Sunglasses in the Winter: Why You Should Wear Your Shades

You don't have to put away your favorite shades just because the temperature has dropped. Wearing sunglasses in the winter is just as important to eye health as wearing them in the summer. Think of your sunglasses as protection from the elements. You wouldn't leave your...

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Trippy! Optical Illusions and How They Work

When you look at an optical illusion, something is obviously out of whack. Why won't your eyes cooperate? What's happening? Are your eyes playing tricks on you? Many readers will remember the emergence of Magic Eye books in the early 1990's. Countless hours were spent...

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Is the Contact Lens Expiration Date Important?

A contact lens expiration date is marked on every individual lens package. Chances are high that you rarely look at that date, for a few reasons: it's just one of a bunch of numbers on a small package, it's not clear why it matters, and generally the dates are so far into...

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The Bionic Eye: Tomorrow’s Vision with Today’s Technology

Do images of cyborgs or The Six Million Dollar Man spring to mind when you hear the term "bionic eye"? This staple of science fiction has become a reality, and although it is still early days, this new technology is already offering hope and assistance to people suffering...

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