
What Are the Causes of Eye Allergies?

Do you know the causes of eye allergies? You may suffer from seasonal allergies when the weather is warm and the pollen is flying or when you are cooped up indoors with drier, dustier air in winter. The causes of eye allergies can often be the same as other allergies and are...

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Diabetes and Eyes: An Important Connection

Diabetes is one of the most commonly misunderstood diseases. Many people just believe diabetes means that you aren’t “allowed” to have sugar anymore. Perhaps most misunderstood aspect of the disease is the link between diabetes and eyes. Did you know that,...

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When Should You Get Cataract Surgery?

Have you been diagnosed with cataracts? If so, you may be wondering when the right time to get surgery is. As the National Eye Institute (NEI) notes, cataracts can develop at any age, but are more common as we get older. By the time they reach age 80, more than 50 percent of...

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Contact Solution vs. Saline Solution — What’s the Difference?

Contact lenses are safely used by millions of people every day, but they require some upkeep and care. Oil, debris, makeup, and microorganisms can all accumulate on them over time, and these in turn can irritate your eyes, or worse. A lens that is not properly cleaned and...

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Unexpected Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery

What are the benefits of LASIK eye surgery? As EyeSmart notes, LASIK reshapes the cornea and changes its focusing power, which is why a majority of LASIK patients find their vision improved enough that they no longer need glasses or contact lenses. Many patients achieve...

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Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, and Opticians, Oh My! Which Eye Doctor to See, and Why

Sooner or later, we all call the eye doctor. You might find yourself squinting during a presentation in the board room, suspect a corneal scratch, be curious about LASIK, or just want to maintain your ocular health by getting a routine checkup. Everyone's scenario is...

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Are Your Contacts Ripping Often?

Are your contacts ripping often? Soft contact lenses are a wonderful invention and are drastically more comfortable for many patients than the older-style hard contacts. But with this increased comfort comes increased fragility. Soft contact lenses are made of flexible...

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When to Take a Break from Contacts

We've all been there. You realize too late that you've slept in day-wear contacts, or left town without bringing a contact case for your lenses. No big deal, we tell ourselves. Or is it? You probably won't suffer immediate consequences from neglecting your contacts...

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